Friday, February 10, 2017

Threats to Marriage

"Will you be ashamed of the gospel? Will you be ashamed of the Lord and His plan? Will you yield to the voices of those who would have you join them on the popular side of contemporary history?"

Russel M. Nelson

Same sex marriage can be such a sensitive topic. It can be hard to stand up for traditional marriage without sounding discriminating or hateful. The reasons supporting same sex marriage make sense, they sound nice and we all want to everyone to be happy and have equal rights. So being against same marriage can make you feel like you are mean or hateful because all of that makes sense. But I love the reasoning behind traditional marriage. I liked this statement from the Supreme Court reading, “The real question in these cases is what constitutes marriage-or more precisely- who decides what constitutes marriage.” They go on to say, “When the fixed rules which govern the rules of interpretation of law are abandoned and the theoretical of individuals are allowed to control the constitution’s meaning ‘we have no longer a constitution; we are under the government of individual men, who for the time being have power to declare what the constitution is according to their own views of what it ought to mean.” I think this is great reminder that there is a bigger picture to the debate. And also relates to Russell M. Nelson’s talk that we cannot change God’s law. He says that human judges did not create marriage, nor did bloggers, or popular vote. God created marriage. I think this is important to remember. That God did indeed create marriage. The God who knows all and has an infinite plan for us created marriage to be between man and woman. This not an idea he randomly threw together It had purpose and importance. From marriages between man and woman, children and families are created.  By no other way can they be created. Defending traditional marriage can be hard. But it was stated that it is not expected to be easy or comfortable to be a witness of God. But the time has come that we can no longer be quiet or ashamed of what we believe. It can be very hard and intimidating but God alone will be our judge and not the world. These were great readings to remind us of the bigger picture involved and what really matters.

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