Saturday, January 14, 2017

Marriage + Divorce

"The time will come when only those who believe deeply and actively in the family will be able to preserve their families in the midst of the gathering evil around us"

Spencer W. Kimball

Today traditional marriages and two parent homes are losing their value. Cohabitation, single parenthood, divorce, and fatherless children are occurring more and are becoming more accepted. The value and importance of marriage is being lost. Satan is very good at tricking us and misleading us away from what is good. The world tells us that the other options are better or work just as well, that there are no damaging effects. We need to educate ourselves and others on marriage. Marriage means commitment and stability not only for spouses but their children too. Spouses and children are able to thrive and grow when there is stability. We need to believe in marriage and the power and value it holds. We also need to be actively working on our marriages and family relationships. Spending quality time with each other is important. Not just merely being in the same room, but engaging with each other by talking, playing and interacting. I want my spouse and children to know that they are important and how much I love them by the words I say and the actions I take. We can't be distracted from our families and let ourselves think that other things are more important. Family must be our main priority over other people and activities. As President Kimball said, this is the only way we will be able to preserve our family.